Monday, August 15, 2011

Google to Acquire Motorola

This piece of news will definitely be one of the top 10 news of the year in the technology industry. I can only say that it was a bombshell to me when I woke up reading it. For a moment, I thought I was seeing an April Fool joke. Then the news sank in and you know what, it's an Android fan's early Christmas gift. Needless to say, it shows again that Google is a company of calculation. Looking back to the whole Nortel saga now, it's hard not to see that the patent axis of evil led by Apple and Microsoft had just spent $4.5 billion hoping to use it against the Android platform, but ended up getting a overpriced portfolio. As everyone knows, Motorola, being the very first maker of a commercial cellular phone, has a jaw-dropping sized patent portfolio. Given that Motorola is one of the pioneer telecommunication company, it's not difficult to imagine that a large portion of its patent portfolio are closely related in making a smartphone. I recalled reading a comment from an user on a Technology Blog (sorry, I forgot which one) saying that Google can now sue Apple for ... making a call. It's a joke, but it highlight the deep root of Motorola -- it's simply one of the oldest telecommunication hardware maker in the world. As always, it's the math that counts. Official Google Blog: Supercharging Android: Google to Acquire Motorola ...: "Since its launch in November 2007, Android has not only dramatically increased consumer choice but also improved the entire mobile experien..."